
Showing posts from July, 2022

Leadership Quality

Have you ever been a witness to, as well as heard, I've given up attempting to make sense of my life in a very complex matrix structure. or " I have given up on trying to make sense of the extremely intricate matrix structure in which I am currently residing. or Or,  Or you could say, "I am responsible for achieving results, but I have very little or no responsibility over the people and resources that are essential for success." or Or, "I have to answer to three bosses" Or, "I am responsible to a total of three managers." or " It is impossible for one person to be responsible for all of the tasks in the organisation." "continuous change" has become the guiding principle, and several management techniques (fads) are being implemented on a regular basis in the belief that they will make our lives easier. In a nutshell, life, according to the managers we currently work for, is a never-ending battle to achiev

Developing a confident delivery style

  Developing a confident delivery style is essential for making an impact during the presentation. Presenting confidently is just like winning an argument. You can draw the attention of target audience easily and sale and sell. Be it a concept or a product, you need to use every opportunity to sell your message and that is not possible without conviction and this trait develops with confidence. As first impression is the last impression, you need to prepare and deliver your message with confidence and in a most natural way. Having anxiety is very common but overcome that with the power of preparing the presentation properly. Your gestures, postures, body language all contribute towards a powerful presentation done in strong confidence. How you say a thing matters the most. Don't drag your conversation, add some action verbs and dialects that create charismatic lines to speak. People should be so impressed by your tone, poise and intonation that they would take every wor

Concept of Charisma

  Have you heard about the concept of charisma? This is highly significant aspect of a powerful presentation. Organised content combined with a lot of preparation can create the required charisma. This gives you an edge over others. Don't forget to test the technology for audio-visual presentations especially. Follow the old Academic writing rule (introduction body paragraphs and conclusion) for an effective presentation. Every presentation should have a proper introduction and well defined body paragraphs and then our very well analysed conclusion. In introduction what you are going to present? In short the central idea and a thesis statement introducing the content that they are going to hear next. Then explaining the content efficaciously is another key point. Delivering this in an organised way would stand you out and people start feeling your charisma. Then comes the conclusion, where you have to restate the central idea and come up with a pertinent suggestion