
Showing posts from April, 2022

Time as a challenge in virtual work

  Let’s talk about Time as a challenge in virtual work and how it can be made to work. Time differences do create advantages and disadvantages. It is very difficult to schedule meetings and coordinate teams on global level. Time zones do bring many hindrances but an effective plan can be put to use to reduce the project time. Teams can hand off work in progress literally around the clock among the three main economic centres. USA, Asia and Europe. Which can shorten project time by having near around the clock progress. Nevertheless, real time collaboration is problematic. However, in order to coordinate properly, one group out of any time zone has to work outside normal hours. And also call anytime policy should be enforced. However, on the personal front, it becomes challenging for the employers to maintain work and life balance. Even where there are not much of the time differences, it can be difficult to coordinate schedules, tasks and meeting times when a team is virtual.

Distance Challenge

  Let’s talk about the distance challenge. It is an obvious challenge for the virtual teams because it limits the face to face interaction. As we all know face to face interaction is important for building trust, supervising and monitoring the performance, motivate teams, following cultural norms and ethics and embracing cultural diversification. There are some of the major things that are missing from most of the virtual collaborations. First is feeling of trust that comes from Member Identification that happens in line offices as it leads to the Internationalisation of organisational norms and practices. Desire to remain within the organisation willingness to cooperate with others willingness to share knowledge but on the other hand, IT and the use of virtual teams helps in decentralisation of work and make it possible for employers in some jobs to work together while being temporarily separated. And also, some virtual teams have been able to achieve high levels of interpersona

Virtual Communication Tools

 By using a variety of new technologies, companies have found ways for people to work together on essential tasks while staying put. Knowledge of virtual communication tools like email, online chat, instant messaging and web conferencing is quickly becoming necessary for workers. Thus, the very meaning of collaboration has been extended and such efforts are referred to as virtual collaboration Virtual collaboration is about achieving the organisation’s desired results by focusing on goals and actions that could not be accomplished by working alone. Virtual collaboration occurs when people who are not collocated use communication technologies to work together and facilitate getting the job done. In sum, virtual collaboration is the process through which virtual teams get work done. Distance, time, technology, culture, trust and leadership

Virtual Collaboration

Collaborating virtually requires behaviours, practices and tools that facilitate efficient and effective collaboration among dispersed collaborators. VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP We are witnessing a conscious transformation of the structures, values and business practices that drive contemporary organisations to encourage and support collaboration on many levels. A collaborative organisation supports both informal and formal forms of collaborations, uses teams to accomplish work when needed and is designed to support collaboration. This entire framework is referred as Collaborative Work System (CWS) in which a conscious effort has been made to create structures and institutionalise values and practices that enable individuals and groups to effectively work together to achieve strategic goals and business results. Collaboration knows no boundaries The terrain of the contemporary workplace is now characterised by independent knowledge workers who are collaborating together across the g

Age Requirements for email accounts

Let’s talk about Age Requirements for email accounts. The permissible age to create an email account is 13 years. If a child is below 13 years of age and requires an email access, then parents or guardians can let them use their account. It is highly recommended to create another email for kids use other than your regular email. Never click on links received from the strangers. They might contain malicious content or codes that can destroy or contaminate your PC or it might take you to phishing sites. You need to educate kids that they should not click or call numbers that comes from unknown links or people. Or to simplify the things, you can create Apple ID for children under 13 years so that they can participate in family sharing and use other apple services such as icloud, imessage, facetime and game center. This will keep a close check on kids cyber world and also gives an opportunity to avoid unncessesary financial transactions. But don’t think parental control can replace adult’s

Parental Controls

 Parental controls play an important role in monitoring a child’s usage of a computer resource and they also allow a parent to limit the time that the child spends online. Parental controls include filtering software or a children friendly engines help to block out adult content, violence and hate speeches. Yahoo kids,, are some of the examples of a child friendly search engines.

Internet Safety and Security

Some important points to remember for safety and security on the internet: Do not show personal information online. Do not share passwords with anyone, not even with your best friends. Do not use personal information as a password. Do not upload photos of family Hide your real name as much as possible. Don’t let your children meet online stranger friends. If kids persist, then accompany them. Do not respond to offensive, obscene and harassing message Report to your local police station Do not click on the links received from strangers in the emails or on private messages. These links if clicked might lead you to fake websites that can steal your personal info or your financial information. By clicking on these links, malwares can be installed on your system Young children might know how to use internet, but their understanding is like that of a child. Therefore, it is important to tell them about safe internet usage.

A child’s understanding of the internet is very different from yours

 Initially we can start interacting with the kids by asking if they like using the internet. Also ask them about various things they do on the internet and ask them what is their favourite online activity. Intermingle with them and listen what children have to say. Take interest but don’t be judgemental. This is your only chance to know what they do on the internet. To your utter astonishment, you will figure out that a child’s understanding of internet is very different from your use and understanding both.  

Generation Gap

Technology is one of the most significant divides between generations today. In previous generations, we all tended to be influenced by the same things. We all watched the news and TV at the same time, so we were all affected by the same issues. Today the younger generation go straight to YouTube and other online sources such as Twitter. It's a fast-paced, frequently incorrect picture of the world. Older age groups still enjoy watching old TV programs while these people have been quick to pick up digital skills in order to keep up, being online is no substitute for actual face-to-face communication with real-life friends. For this reason, Facebook is highly popular among the elderly. It's also necessary to have technical skills. The ability of older people to learn and use new technology has an impact on how technology affects the age gap. Because this is usually created for the younger generation, many older individuals can get left behind when things move too quickly. I