This concept has immense importance in today’s world is reeling under the post-pandemic crisis.

Children’s online life is different from those of grownups.

It is very evident that the generation X feel troubled while watching children accessing the wide range of uncensored information

The internet has conquered so many areas of our lives, leaving nothing unrevealed.

There are 2 worlds in which people live these days. Real-world and digital world. Real-world has some laws and traditions but the virtual world lacks this at almost every juncture of life.

Drunkards, fraudsters, robbers, abusers, rapists come from the real world but do you think the digital world is free from these evil people?
A big NO, cyber crimes do exist. In the real world,
we say to children ‘Don’t talk to strangers', 'never accept food from unknown people' and 'do not stay outside after dark'.

Whereas in a digital world we can educate kids, not chat with complete strangers, don’t exchange gifts online or do not open links in emails or messages, sent by strangers.

Parents should get involved with the internet activities of their children so that they can teach kids to be cyber safe.


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